Postpartum Depression | Pregnancy Depression | Mommy Mentor | Lubbock, TX

Perfect Mothers Get Depressed

Dr. Thompson has published this handbook for depressed and anxious new mothers to help you recover and experience the real joy of new motherhood. Whether you are new to Dr. Thompson’s writing or have already enjoyed The Mommy Mentor blog, you will find support and understanding in this warm and clearly written book.

In Perfect Mothers Get Depressed, Dr. Thompson reveals her own struggles with depression after each of her pregnancies. She doesn’t stop at empathy, though. She explains what she has learned in her education as a clinical psychologist, what she has learned from her own original research, and the things that work with her therapy clients.

You can find Perfect Mothers Get Depressed on the Praeclarus Press website and on Amazon. Dr. Thompson also has copies available for purchase during a visit to her office.